Event Forms

Event Forms

Harmonium Choral Society

2023-02-07T23:22:34-05:00February 2nd, 2023|Categories: Event Forms, Concerts, News & Announcement|Tags: , |

Dear Broadway music lovers, choral music lovers, pop music lovers, heck, all music lovers, friends, and supporters, We are so excited to announce that the Harmonium Broadway Cabaret Troupe is back in action! Back after a long pandemic induced break and better than ever! They are creating an amazing show to welcome you back, too. So, save March 25th at 7:00pm for a fun night out at the Ukrainian American Cultural Center in Whippany, NJ to enjoy an evening of fabulous musical theatre. The Harmonium Broadway Cabaret Troupe is a group of talented singers, from Harmonium’s family, with a passion for [...]

30-ліття незалежності України

2024-06-02T00:12:21-04:00August 16th, 2021|Categories: News & Announcement, Concerts, CYM, Event Forms, Fundraiser, Future Home News, Hoverlia Social Club, Iskra Ukrainian Dance Ensemble and Academy, Lesia Ukrainka – School of Ukrainian Studies, Organizations, Plast, Selfreliance Federal Credit Union, Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, UNWLA|Tags: |

Ukrainian Independence Day Celebration UACCNJ in Whippany Aug. 22th @1 PM Celebrating 30 years of Ukrainian independence at the Whippany centerPosted by Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey on Sunday, August 22, 2021 Support Our Center | Make Donation

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Easter Order

2021-04-25T13:18:42-04:00February 20th, 2021|Categories: Event Forms, Future Home News, News & Announcement|

No time to cook? Don’t worry – St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Whippany can help! Pre-order dishes for your Easter celebration from our kitchen. You can place your order between now and April 20; PICK UP DATE and TIME WILL BE SEND WITH ORDER NUMBER. Just fill out the form, and we will do the rest! You’ll get a confirmation number and a time for pickup. Thank you and happy holidays! Easter Order Великоднє замовлення Thank you, everyone, for your support! Ordering is now closed. Best wishes Happy Easter! Дякуємо всім [...]

Christmas is coming

2020-12-14T10:54:15-05:00November 25th, 2020|Categories: Event Forms|

No time to cook? Don’t worry – St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Whippany can help! Pre-order dishes for your Christmas dinner from our kitchen. You can place your order between now and December 13; orders can be picked up on December 20. Just fill out the form, and we will do the rest! You’ll get a confirmation number and a time for pickup. Thank you and happy holidays! Christmas Order Thank you, everyone, for your support! Ordering is now closed. Best wishes for the wonderful Christmas holidays! Різдвяне замовлення Дякуємо всім за [...]

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