Easter Bazaar – Великодній базар
Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United StatesEaster Bazaar Palm Sunday - April 10, 2022 10:00AM to 2:00PM
Easter Bazaar Palm Sunday - April 10, 2022 10:00AM to 2:00PM
World renowned photojournalists John Stanmeyer, Julia Kochetova, Alex Lourie, David Butow and Ron Haviv will take us on their personal journey into the war zone of Ukraine. These five highly acclaimed photojournalists have courageously been documenting war and human suffering in Ukraine and represent the heroic work of all documentarians. They, like numerous colleagues and citizens are risking their lives every day and sadly many have paid the ultimate price. Their dignified and passionate courage has supplied the world with gut wrenching evidence of the war crimes perpetrated by Putin. Each presentation promises to be painful, enlightening and a testament to [...]
Sponsored by the “U35 Committee" Starts at 7 pm | Trivia @ 7:30 Nacho Bar Specialty Drinks Raffle & Etc.
Proceeds to fund essential educational programs and supplies for Ukraine's displaced children. MONMOUTH COUNTY, NJ - Jersey Rocks for Ukraine and you are invited! There is nothing like great music to bring people together for a great cause. The charity organization, Hope For Ukraine and Rockit Academy have partnered with a lot of great community leaders to host a benefit concert on Sunday, May 15, at 5pm at the House Of Independents in Asbury Park. One hundred percent of the proceeds will fund the essential educational programs and supplies for Ukraine's displaced children. The event also serves as a great platform [...]
Donate to HELP SAVE UKRAINE! Donate - Scouts for Ukraine (plastusa.org) Donate with PayPal
Come join Pam Brittingham (local Zumba instructor) & friends as they host a ZUMBA® PARTY FUNDRAISER to benefit the Ukrainian people on Saturday, May 21st, 2022, at the Lower Valley Presbyterian Church auditorium located at 445 Route 513 in Califon. There will be two dance sessions: 10:00 – 10:45 am (registration at 9:30) and 11:10 – 11:55 (registration at 10:45) or you are welcome to stay for both sessions. Cost is $10.00 per session or $15.00 for both sessions. All money raised will go toward medical supplies and aid to the Ukrainian People through the support of the Ukrainian American Culture [...]
As you’ve seen, our Ukrainian community has been invited to march in two Memorial Day parades – Morris Plains (Saturday, May 28th) and Hanover Township (Monday, May 30th). These are two high-profile parades, from two very supportive townships, who in addition to inviting us to march have also invited otec Bilyk to lead the participants in prayer. It is important to not let attention on Ukraine and the war diminish. Marching in front of thousands will reinforce the need for the continued support of Ukraine and our humanitarian efforts, as well as will allow us to show our thanks to these [...]
Thursday, June 30, is Fireworks Night at Veterans Field on Jefferson Rd. (across from Town Hall). Jefferson Rd. will be closed from approximately 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Anyone coming to the Center must use Parsippany Rd to Jefferson Rd or 287 to Parsippany Rd then onto Jefferson Rd.
Їхня щирість струмує у ліриці та мінімалістичному звучанні. Вони стали феноменом української сцени, пройшовши шлях від аматорських записів на диктофон до повних залів без продюсерів та промо. «Один в каное» вирушає у великий тур, присвячений десятиріччю гурту! Акустичний гурт «Один в каное» – це пастельна мрійливість, забарвлена фолком та глибинною лірикою, що линуть до серця. «Небо», «Пообіцяй мені», «Човен» – ці пісні давно полюбились слухачам від Львова до Харкова. За роки існування музиканти не втратили простоти та щирості, з якою виступали на перших концертах, незважаючи на те, що їхні пісні вже давно займають перші сходинки музичних хіт-парадів та хором співають [...]