We are reaching out today with immense gratitude and admiration for the extraordinary efforts of Steve Ircha, a Ukrainian American. Steve is a dedicated and skilled Wealth Manager who has not only demonstrated exceptional prowess in managing funds for individual and institutional investors but has also played a pivotal role in elevating our organization to new heights through his fundraising initiatives.
Because of Steve efforts, information about our Ukrainian American Cultural Center in Whippany NJ was featured at the Jets game. We were able to share our culture, history, and heritage with thousands of people. Steve was instrumental in raising funds to support cultural programs at UACCNJ. This is only the beginning of our combined effort to promote Ukrainian culture at our center.
Steve’s commitment to financial excellence and his unwavering dedication to the success of our cause have left an indelible mark on our organization. His tireless efforts and strategic insights have not only empowered us to reach our fundraising goals but have also set a new standard for financial stewardship in our community.
As a wealth manager, Steve brings a unique blend of expertise, integrity, and a genuine passion for helping individuals and institutions achieve their financial goals. His personalized approach to wealth management ensures that each client receives tailored advice and guidance, creating a roadmap to financial success that is both effective and sustainable.
Steve’s ability to navigate the complexities of the financial landscape, coupled with his deep understanding of market trends, has resulted in remarkable outcomes for those he serves. His commitment to transparency and communication fosters trust, and his track record speaks volumes about his proficiency in wealth management.
In addition to his role as a trusted financial advisor, Steve has demonstrated a deep sense of social responsibility by actively participating in philanthropic endeavors. His efforts to raise funds for our organization have not only provided crucial support for our initiatives but have also inspired others to contribute to the betterment of our community.
We wholeheartedly endorse Steve Ircha as a consummate professional and a true champion of financial empowerment. His dedication to both his clients and the community at large is truly commendable, and we are fortunate to have him as a valued partner in our mission.

If you are seeking a wealth manager who combines financial acumen with a genuine commitment to making a positive impact, Steve Ircha is the ideal choice. We are confident that his expertise and passion for excellence will continue to bring success to both his clients and the causes he supports. Steve Ircha, Aegis Capital, 26 Paxton Avenue, Bronxville NY 10708, 917-561-5288.

Thank you, Steve, for your outstanding contributions to UACCNJ and for being a beacon of financial stewardship in our community.

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey

Steve Ircha Wealth Manager and Fund Raiser Steve Ircha Wealth Manager and Fund Raiser