Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

You can preorder up to December 10, 2023 All food is frozen, except poppy seeds and wheat berries. You will receive an order number and a time to drive through to the Center and pick your order on December 17, 2023, from 10 am-2 pm. Payment by cash or check ( St. John Ukrainian Church). CHRISTMAS ORDER Here Please send all questions about orders by email: or text: 973-809-5054. Роби замовлення за здалегідь до 10 Грудня, 2023 Всі страви є заморожені, крім маку та пшениці. Ви отримаєте номер замовлення та час, коли можна під’їхати до Центру та отримати заказ 17 [...]

Christmas Bazar

St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church Whippany NJ (973) 887-3616, 60 N Jefferson Rd, NJ, United States

Sponsored by: ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH SUNDAY ~ DECEMBER 17, 2023 10:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. To be held at: UKRAINIAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER OF NEW JERSEY 60 North Jefferson Road Whippany, NJ Featuring Ukrainian and holiday crafts, jewelry, and more for your shopping pleasure. In addition, homemade Ukrainian food and baked goods will also be for sale. Please come and join us! For more information call: 973-476-1970 2023 Christmas Bazaar Flyer

New Year’s Eve Gala

Запрошуємо українську громаду штатів Нью Джерсі та Нью Йорку зібратися разом у Новорічну ніч заради благодійної мети - збору коштів для українських військових. 🎆 🎄 Наші господині вже планують чудове меню та прикрашену залу в Українському культурному центрі у Випані, тому готуйте новорічне вбрання і не шкодуйте коштів на квитки! Ваша присутність - це і є ваш вклад у наближення перемоги України . Квитки бронюйте вже СЬОГОДНІ! Не чекайте поки буде “Sold out”. Телефон: (646) 643-0013 Люба Якщо ви забронюєте цілий стіл - пляшка Hennessy у подарунок!  


Prymachenko Paint, Learn, and Sip

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

Create your own Prymachenko masterwork while learning about the iconic Ukrainian painter! Maria Prymachenko was a self-taught, naive folk artist who worked in paintings, embroidery, and ceramics. She was born in Bolotnia, Kyiv Oblast to a peasant family in 1909. She was disabled by polio in childhood, and largely bedridden causing her to lean into Ukrainian folk arts. Maria Prymachenko was inspired by folklore beasts and Polissya style art, intertwined with imagery from her expansive imagination. Maria Prymachenko’s paintings were dually inspired by the political struggles and wartime trauma she experienced. Dr. Natalka Pavlovsky will walk us through an exploration of [...]


Accordion Fest and Sing-along

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

Friday, May 10 - 7:30 p.m. It's time for Accordion Fest! Want to sing, play, or just have a good time? Join us! All singers and accordionists are welcome! Donation $10; proceeds go


Iskra Academy and Ensemble – Mother’s Day Show

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

Join Iskra Academy and their friends from Tsvita Dance School in their annual spring recital program.Saturday, May 11, 20247 p.m. Admission:$20 Adults (16+)$10 Children (6-15) and SeniorsFREE Children 5 and under


Parking Lot CLOSED

We're having our parking lot re-surfaced next week! Weather permitting, milling will be done on Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 19-20; paving and painting will be done on Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 21-22. There will be NO VEHICLES permitted once paving begins! If all goes well, traffic will be permitted on Saturday, August 24. Please check with your sports club/organization/credit union to see if they will remain open during this coming week and, if so, make plans for alternate parking options - making sure to obey any "No Parking" signs in the area.

Chornomorska Sitch 100 Year Gala

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

Join us! Chornomorska Sitch celebrates 100 years of unwavering commitment to the Ukrainian community through sports and cultural activities. Evening Program6:00 PM Cocktails (Open Bar)7:00 PM Gala DinnerCelebratory ProgramDancing & Drinks (Cash Bar) Formal Attire Requested. No children – 21 years and older onlyLimited Seating. Purchase tickets by October 5th. No ticket sales at the door.Ticket Price: $125 per person. Click the link to purchase your tickets! Have questions?Contact gala organizers via email or cell (216) 390-0404 Danylo Holowaty. Seating will be limited so do not wait to order. Interested in sponsoring the event?Sponsorship benefits include recognition on social media [...]

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