Accordion Fest and Sing-Along

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

It's time for Accordion Fest! Want to sing, play, or just have a good time? Join us! All singers and accordionists are welcome! Friday, April 28 - 7:30 p.m. Donation $10; proceeds go to the UACCNJ Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine fund. Questions?

Resource Seminar for Ukrainian Refugees and Sponsors

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

Join us to learn about: • Your legal rights as a refugee or sponsor in NJ • The financial, medical, social and other resources available to you in NJ and how to apply for them • The various Ukrainian organizations based out of the UACCNJ who are eager to welcome you to the community as their member and their different program offerings for children and adults • The programs / offerings available through the Selfreliance Federal Credit Union Participating Organizations / Agencies: Catholic Charities Church World Service Leonid Foundation NJ International Rescue Committee NJ Office for Refugees Selfreliance Federal Credit Union [...]

35 and Under Night! – June 23, 6:30

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

35 and Under Night! - June 23, 6:30 Special Guest: Ukrainian DJ Serge Vashkevich #UACCNJ #35-and-Under-Night


14th Annual Ukrainian Festival

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

The 4th Saturday of September is the "traditional" date for our annual Ukrainian Festival. Mark you calendars and watch this space for more information, which will be posted as it is made available!

The Displaced

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

Запрошуємо Вас на короткий фільм "The Displaced" в п'ятницю 22го березня о 8ій годині в нашому культурному центрі. Заохочуємо Всіх смачно поїсти - брати участь в що-тижневому "Fish Fry" організований центром і залишитися на висвітленню фільму. Можна також приїхати лиш на фільм о 8ій годині. Фільм короткий 17 хвилин - а після фільму зустріч і розмова з режисером. (Trailer) (Making of the Film) ___________________________________________________________________________________ We invite you to view a short film "The Displaced" on Friday, March 22nd at 8pm at the UACCNJ. We encourage you to participate in the weekly Fish Fry organized by the center and then [...]

Prymachenko Paint, Learn, and Sip

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

Create your own Prymachenko masterwork while learning about the iconic Ukrainian painter! Maria Prymachenko was a self-taught, naive folk artist who worked in paintings, embroidery, and ceramics. She was born in Bolotnia, Kyiv Oblast to a peasant family in 1909. She was disabled by polio in childhood, and largely bedridden causing her to lean into Ukrainian folk arts. Maria Prymachenko was inspired by folklore beasts and Polissya style art, intertwined with imagery from her expansive imagination. Maria Prymachenko’s paintings were dually inspired by the political struggles and wartime trauma she experienced. Dr. Natalka Pavlovsky will walk us through an exploration of [...]


Christmas Bazar

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

Sponsored by: ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH SUNDAY ~ DECEMBER 22, 2024 10:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. To be held at: UKRAINIAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER OF NEW JERSEY 60 North Jefferson Road Whippany, NJ Featuring Ukrainian and holiday crafts, jewelry and more for your shopping pleasure. In addition, homemade Ukrainian food and baked goods will also be for sale. Please come and join us! For more information call: 973-476-1970  

Understanding Recent Changes in United States Immigration Policy

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

Обговорення змін в імміграційній політиці США A Conversation with Immigration Experts Розмова з імміграційними експертами Panelists: Cristina Carreno, Esq. Bramnick, Rodriguea, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan LLC Reza Mazaheri, Esq. Seth & Mazaheri LLC Jerard A Gonzalez, Esq. & Michael Farmer, Esq. Bastarrika, Soto, Gonzalez & Somohano LLP Moderator: Andrew Olesnycky, Esq. Stahl Gasiorowski, PC Date: Sunday, March 23, 2025 Time: 1:30pm Zoom Link: Location: UACCNJ 60 North Jefferson Road Whippany, NJ Click here for Immigration Discussion (PDF)

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