LET’S PARTY! 35 and Under Night!

The Hoverlia Social Club 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

LET’S PARTY! 35 and Under Night! July 16 @ 7pm - 10:30pm Drink Specials, Karaoke, Games, Music, and More

Free Shred-It event that Selfreliance FCU is running in Whippany

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

Spreading the word about a free Shred-It event that Selfreliance FCU is running in Whippany on Saturday, September 18th between 9 am - 12 noon. This event is for members of Selfreliance FCU and the community. It will enable individuals to shred up to 3 boxes of sensitive documents with return trips permitted. This pertains to paper documents and CD's. Other restrictions may apply.


Support Ukraine Rally

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

Bus from the UACCNJ (Ukrainian Center at Whippany NJ) Support UKRAINE Rally in Washington, DC Sunday, Feb 27 2 PM at the White House Departing 8:15 AM from Ukrainian Center at Whippany NJ Автобус оплачений Selfreliance FCU Selfreliance Federal Credit Union



St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church Whippany NJ (973) 887-3616, 60 N Jefferson Rd, NJ, United States

13th Annual Ukrainian Festival

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

Please join us for our 13th Annual Ukrainian Festival, which will be held on Saturday, September 24! Great food, exciting entertainment, a wonderful time - all in support of a great cause! Watch this space, our Facebook page, and our website - www.uaccnj.org - for more info, which will be posted as it becomes available. For information about vendors, contact Maria.Kucyna@gmail.com Sponsor List Stage Program 1 - 12:30 - 2:00 Presentation of flags American Veterans Ukrainian Anthem Kalyna and Uliana Leshchuk American Anthem Roman Kovbasniuk Prayer and Opening Remarks Fr. Stepan Bilyk “Pryvit” Iskra Dance Academy, Senior Group “Heel to Toe [...]

Resource Seminar for Ukrainian Refugees and Sponsors

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

Join us to learn about: • Your legal rights as a refugee or sponsor in NJ • The financial, medical, social and other resources available to you in NJ and how to apply for them • The various Ukrainian organizations based out of the UACCNJ who are eager to welcome you to the community as their member and their different program offerings for children and adults • The programs / offerings available through the Selfreliance Federal Credit Union Participating Organizations / Agencies: Catholic Charities Church World Service Leonid Foundation NJ International Rescue Committee NJ Office for Refugees Selfreliance Federal Credit Union [...]

35 and Under Night! – June 23, 6:30

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

35 and Under Night! - June 23, 6:30 Special Guest: Ukrainian DJ Serge Vashkevich #UACCNJ #35-and-Under-Night


Яка вона, війна?

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

ВИСТАВКА: Яка вона, війна? 4 листопада, 2023 Вхід о 6:00 Початок 6:30 Квитки - $40 тел: 201-859-3296 soyus134@gmail.com


Christmas Bazar

St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church Whippany NJ (973) 887-3616, 60 N Jefferson Rd, NJ, United States

Sponsored by: ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH SUNDAY ~ DECEMBER 17, 2023 10:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. To be held at: UKRAINIAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER OF NEW JERSEY 60 North Jefferson Road Whippany, NJ Featuring Ukrainian and holiday crafts, jewelry, and more for your shopping pleasure. In addition, homemade Ukrainian food and baked goods will also be for sale. Please come and join us! For more information call: 973-476-1970 2023 Christmas Bazaar Flyer

“Maks Levin: The Final Photographs” Exhibition

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

134 Branch of Ukrainian National Women's League of America and UACCNJ UKRAINIAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER Ukrainian American Cultural Center of NJ Invites you to Please join us for a captivating photo exhibit documenting Russia’s genocidal invasion of Ukraine. YES, Russia started the war in Ukraine. Ukrainian American Cultural Center of NJ will display photo exhibits that chronicle the harsh realities of war endured by Ukrainians over the past 3 years. Let us not forget and may we remain resilient! "Russia's Full-Scale War against Ukraine" Photos demonstrate the genocidal nature of Russia's war, and its effect on civilian life, and show the [...]

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