Chornomorska Sitch 100 Year Gala

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

Join us! Chornomorska Sitch celebrates 100 years of unwavering commitment to the Ukrainian community through sports and cultural activities. Evening Program6:00 PM Cocktails (Open Bar)7:00 PM Gala DinnerCelebratory ProgramDancing & Drinks (Cash Bar) Formal Attire Requested. No children – 21 years and older onlyLimited Seating. Purchase tickets by October 5th. No ticket sales at the door.Ticket Price: $125 per person. Click the link to purchase your tickets! Have questions?Contact gala organizers via email or cell (216) 390-0404 Danylo Holowaty. Seating will be limited so do not wait to order. Interested in sponsoring the event?Sponsorship benefits include recognition on social media [...]


V.I.P Ternopil – V.I.P Тернопіль

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

V.I.P Ternopil | Whippany | October 20 Команда «V.I.P Тернопіль» в США з великим сольним концертом та НОВОЮ ПРОГРАМОЮ в підтримку ЗСУ! Легендарна команда, ті самі Танька і Володька та КУМ із «Одного разу під Полтавою» з патріотичною програмою «Глорі ту Юкрейн» та хітами гурту «Кіп’яток». На концертах будуть аукціони з ексклюзивними речами від наших захисників і акторів V.I.P Тернопіль, з якого всі кошти підуть на авто для передової. Від початку війни команда активно волонтерить. Ними вже було придбано 178 позашляховиків, буси, пікапи, грузовик, 80 дронів, 300 бронежилетів, 28 тепловізора, амуніція та багато іншого. Наразі команда має запитів від наших військових [...]


Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

UNWLA New Jersey Regional Council Present. Join us for the second in a series of empowering leadership training workshops. Discover your full potential with expert coaching from TJ Kostetsky, the lead innovator of Vision Training for Life and author of the book "Eyes Up"! Structure and Outcomes:- A 90 minute interactive workshop designed to engage participants to discover specific ways to become better leaders.- Discovery and sharing of the 10 qualities of great leadership.- How to add each of these 10 qualities into your daily life.- How to share your own behavior and the behavior of those you come in contact [...]


UNWLA Branch 75 invites everyone

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

UNWLA Branch 75 invites everyone to a special, one-time screening of a new documentary short about the Holodomor, the FamineGenocide ordered by Soviet leader Joseph Stalin that killed millions of Ukrainians in 1932-1933, followed by “Yesterday’s Holodomor and Today’s Global Security,” a presentation by Victor Rud, J.D., Holodomor scholar and son of Holodomor survivors. Black Raven is produced by Luba Keske of UNWLA Branch 111 and runs for about 40 minutes. The film is in English; eyewitness testimonies are in Ukrainian with English subtitles. Doors open at 12:30 p.m.; film screening begins at 1 p.m. $20 Adults, $10 students Light lunch [...]


KLK Centennial Celebration

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

The KLK Centennial Celebration will now take place Friday, December 6th at 7pm at the Ukrainian American Cultural Center in Whippany, New Jersey. We hope to see you there!

Christmas Bazar

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

Sponsored by: ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH SUNDAY ~ DECEMBER 22, 2024 10:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. To be held at: UKRAINIAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER OF NEW JERSEY 60 North Jefferson Road Whippany, NJ Featuring Ukrainian and holiday crafts, jewelry and more for your shopping pleasure. In addition, homemade Ukrainian food and baked goods will also be for sale. Please come and join us! For more information call: 973-476-1970  

Різдвяна Коляда

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

Feel the unique atmosphere of the Christmas holidays with incredible traditional and modern carols to the music of bandura. Our carols, folk art, singing and bandura melodies will immerse you in the mystical history of the upcoming Christmas holidays and show you what a real Ukrainian Christmas sounds like! This Christmas program will be filled with carols and bandura music by National Artist of Ukraine Ostap Stakhiw, Solomiya Stakhiv, Oksana Lupak, Kalyna and Ulyana Leshchuk in the duet "Malvy". The Christmas "Vertep" will also take part in the program on the initiative of the charity organization Victory for U. This is [...]


Іnviting kids ages 13-18 to a Ukrainian Dance Party

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N Jefferson Rd,, Whippany, NJ, United States

Ridna Shkola (Ukrainian School) in Whippany, NJ is inviting kids ages 13-18 to a Ukrainian Dance Party. Date: January 11, 2025. Address: 60 N Jefferson Rd, Whippany, NJ, Рідна Школа у Whippany, NJ, Запрошує на Українську Вечірку! 11 січня 2025 року, 60 N Jefferson Rd, Whippany, NJ, Вік 13-18 років.

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